Sunday, May 03, 2009

Memorial Collage

This collage was created for "EPILOGUE: Reflections on the death of a father" posted at
A eulogy version of EPILOGUE was delivered April 26, 2009 at the public memorial held at the Art Council of the Brazos Valley, College Station, Texas.
In the center of the collage, "Transfigured Tomb" original pastel by John-Brian Paprock. Starting on the upper left counter-clockwise: Kenneth Paprock painting in the upper left. Below that on the left, a picture when he was in England, then the table of his awards at the memorial.
Bottom left: the exit at his favorite eatery: The Kettle in College Station, Texas. Lower right: his self portrait. Above that on the right: the rainbow that appeared the day after the memorial above his house in College Station. Above that: more than capacity turned out for his memorial. His daughter Sarah is speaking at the podium.
Then, the upper right corner: the pannihida table (memorial table for religious prayers, on the left is a bowl of koliva or kuchiya - a traditional memorial sweet dish of boiled grain, honey and raisins). During the pannihida, all five of his adult children were present. It seems that four of five had been present on many ocassions over the years, but all five with him was rare.

[more about Kenneth Paprock, the most complete obituary is at - condolences can be left in the guest book]

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